Extracurricular Activities
Anything outdoors, hiking, backpacking, camping, fishing and kayaking are my favorite. I love to travel especially with my son.
A Little Bit About Me
I grew up in the small town of Dayton, OR. As far back as I can remember, that was my home. I moved all around Oregon in my early years, Corvallis, Portland metro area, Milwaukee, then ended up in Bend, OR. I worked at the hospital as a CNA for 4 years before getting pregnant with my son and needing to move home to have family support. With that move was the end of my relationship with his father and I moved in my parents. The last 6 years we have been living in Salem, OR. I applied in 2020 to Oregon Tech's dental hygiene program and didn’t get in, so I applied to Chemeketa Community College dental assisting program. I graduated in 2023 with all my certifications I can have as a dental assistant. I applied again and didn’t get in, then this year, 2023 is my year. I GOT ACCEPTED!!
Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major
Their dental hygiene program is the best! I will graduate in 2.5 years and have my bachelor's degree.
My Influential Professors
The dental hygienist that taught my dental assisting radiology class. She is very supportive and encouraging to make mistakes, that’s how we learn.
My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech
I love to learn as much as I can about my field. I bring a thirst for knowledge, and an eagerness to learn.
My Plans After Graduation
My passion is doing outreach programs, going to school, mental facilities, or migrant camps to help those in need.