The Oregon Institute of Technology (“Oregon Tech”) Board of Trustees met March 21 at the university’s Klamath Falls campus and virtually. Among the areas of discussion and action, Trustees approved students’ recommendation for a fee to modernize the student recreation center in Klamath Falls; reviewed Oregon Tech’s mission statement; approved the recommendation for appointment of a new student member of the Board of Trustees; and heard updates on other programs and services at Oregon Tech.

Student Recreation Center Fee     Oregon Tech vice president of finance and administration, Brian Fox, and director of athletics, John Van Dyke, presented the background and a proposal on the construction and operations of a modernized Student Recreation Center (SRC) on Oregon Tech’s Klamath Falls campus. The president of the ASOIT, Junmin Yee, also presented information on students’ involvement in the design of the renovated SRC and the student government’s support for funding the project with a new fee to support the effort. Staff recommended to the Board of Trustees to approve the new Student Recreation Center Fee and approve expenditures as requested by the President and determined by ASOIT. Trustees unanimously approved the recommendation.

Review of Oregon Tech’s Mission     As Oregon Tech gets ready to launch a new strategic plan, Trustees discussed the need to review and likely revise Oregon Tech’s mission statement in an effort to both communicate how the university is unique and provide more clarification around the work and culture of the institution. Trustees discussed the university’s evolution as industry’s university, current and anticipated degree offerings, ongoing applied research and innovation initiatives, and commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion as well as leadership development among students, faculty, and staff.

Recommendation of New Trustee

     The Executive Committee of the Board also reviewed the credentials of a prospective student board member, Dana Londen, to fill an upcoming vacancy when the current student board member, William Perry, graduates in June 2019. Ms. Londen is a Geomatics student at Oregon Tech. She is a U.S. Navy veteran, and already has a degree in Pre-Nursing. She is engaged in several extracurricular activities currently at Oregon Tech, including the Student Hearing Commission; as Geomatics Club Treasurer; and as a member of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. The board voted unanimously to approve and forward to the Governor’s Office the recommendation of Dana Londen for the student seat.