Oregon Tech's mission to prepare students for rewarding health, engineering, business, technology, and applied arts and sciences careers is unwavering. As fall term starts in the wake of devastating wildfires throughout Oregon and other western states and the continued challenges of the global pandemic, faculty and staff are continuing to do everything they can to assure our students do not see an interruption in their studies and to keep our community safe. In response to the desire to help during this time, the featured funds listed below provide immediate support for students. Thank you..
Featured Funds
Helping Owls Fund
Scholarships provided by the Helping Owls Fund assists students who are negatively affected financially by crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and the wildfires in Oregon, Washington, and California. This may include loss of shelter and/or employment, reduced hours, additional expenses for remote learning or expenses related to wildfire losses, change in externship sites, and much more. While the first round of awards have helped numerous students, many more still need help to cover expenses such as tuition, rent, groceries and personal supplies.
The Bird Feeder
The Bird Feeder, a nod to our avian mascot, is a student food pantry that provides no-questions-asked snacks and meals for all students and grocery store gift cards for students who need additional assistance.
Finish Line Fund
Getting students across the finish line with a diploma in hand is the goal of this scholarship. Students who have found themselves within 45 credit hours of graduation, but have few financial resources available to them and are in jeopardy of not graduating can apply for assistance for the final leg of their academic endeavors.
Fund for Oregon Tech
Provides resources for the University to use when and where they are most needed at the time.
Student Spotlights: Helping Owls Scholarship Recipients