The Oregon Institute of Technology Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol (SASP) was established in 2000 for the purpose of providing auxiliary support to Oregon Tech's Department of Campus Safety. Its employees act as an additional level of safety for the Oregon Tech community, providing closer student feedback and improved relations between Campus Safety and that community.
SASP exists as a division of Oregon Tech Campus Safety. As such, it shares the goals and purposes of the Campus Safety Department as well as having its own goals and purposes. Generally, SASP exists to assist in the maintenance of a safe and orderly environment on Oregon Tech campus. SASP is a service organization dedicated to the college community; students, staff, faculty, and visitors.
The function of SASP is to supplement full-time Campus Safety staff. SASP employees act as a primary point of contact between Campus Safety and the students in residence halls, since students might have greater insight and sensitivity in certain situations involving other students. SASP offers it employees the opportunity to develop useful leadership and decision making skills. Its overall purpose is to provide more and varied safety and security services to the Oregon Institute of Technology.