
Your username is in the format For example, a user with the name John Doe would have the username NOTE: If you specified a preferred name when applying or by notifying the Registrar, that is used in place of your first name.

Password Requirements

  • At least 14 characters
  • At least one uppercase character
  • At least one lowercase character
  • At least one number
  • Cannot contain first name/last name/preferred name
  • It cannot be one of the previous two passwords used

Passwords will expire every 365 days

Logging in for the First Time

What You'll Need

  • Access to your personal email address on file with Oregon Tech
    • For students this will be the email address that you used when applying.
    • For employees this will be the email address which was used to correspond with Human Resources as part of the hiring process.


  1. Upon reaching the Oregon Tech login page, click the "First-Time Login Setup" link.   
  2. Follow the steps to verify your account and set your password.

Links to Access Login

Access the TECHweb Portal Access the Simple Registration Portal (Dual-Credit Students)