Viktoria Golovin
Student, Class of 2024
Kharkiv, Ukraine

Extracurricular Activities

Worked at a community college and got to connect with diverse populations, lead and hosted a young ladies’ Christian book club the past three summers, played piano at a violin ensemble at my church and currently sing in choir, summer Camp mentor for children from our church, visited orphanages in Ukraine for a few weeks

A Little Bit About Me

I moved to Klamath Falls from Vancouver, WA to pursue the Vascular Technology program here at Oregon Tech. My sister decided to join me on this adventure and be my emotional, moral and physical support. I was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine and was one year old when my family immigrated to the States. Mother was wise enough to make sure that we grew up speaking Russian. As upset as I was at her for making me learn it, I now realize what a huge advantage and blessing it is to know more than one language. I love the outdoors. Every weekend is basically for an adventure - to go out and explore the area and familiarize myself with local hikes. I am in love with the PNW.

Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major

Oregon Tech has a great reputation for its Medical Imaging programs. I was initially interested in Diagnostic Medical Imaging and that is what I applied for. Yet, that is a very competitive program that I wasn't able to make it into. After receiving my rejection letter, I ended up receiving another letter suggesting the Vascular Program. I decided to take a leap of faith - and I couldn't be happier.

My Influential Professors

Dr. Tanya McVay - the one whose Physics course all students dread taking but have to, and yet, come out of it a lot more knowledgeable and confident. Dr. McVay has challenged me like no other instructor has in my educational journey. No matter how much you study, you still feel like you're way behind and inadequate. The weekly Friday quizzes are quite humbling. But, that's what challenges us and forces us to push further. WE GROW. And Dr. McVay truly wants her students to succeed and to be true, knowledgeable professionals once we go out and enter the field.

My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech

I am currently a senior in the Vascular Program - completing externship at Providence Portland Medical Center. It being only month two into externship, I am already getting a learning experience like no other. Being able to follow an actual Vascular Technologist, observe them scan real patients with real pathology, and practice scanning these people with the Clinical Instructor by my side to assist and provide tips “real-time” is a game changer.

My Plans After Graduation

The hope and plan is to successfully find a job back home after I finish my externship, get some scanning experience under my belt, and become a traveling Vascular Technologist. Eventually, I would like to start a family and find ways to serve others throughout life. I am more of a person who likes to take it day by day, though - because life is full of surprises.