Extracurricular Activities
Hiking, Kayaking, playing with my kids, and listening to music. I also love working with clay although I don't have much time to do so lately. Another hobby that I have found around here is volunteering at the Salvation Army with my kids.
A Little Bit About Me
I grew up in a small town near the Marble Mountains, doing many outdoor activities. I did, however, have a rough childhood and have been on my own since I was sixteen. I have always had to work hard for everything I have ever had. I am a very determined person that can persevere through anything due to this. I created a healthy environment for myself to grow and thrive as an individual. I also created a beautiful little family that keeps growing. My husband and I have three of our own kids but when my brother passed away unexpectedly, we took on his two little girls. We are all doing great and now, and I am so close to making my dream come true, becoming an echo tech! I always have a smile on my face and help as many people as possible.
Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major
I chose echocardiography mainly because of my fascination with the heart, the way it works, and the technology used to image it. Another attributing factor is that I was an echo patient as a child, I had a murmur. I had undergone many echocardiographs, and stress tests as a child, and the care that I received was amazing. I want to give that same kind of care to others.
My Influential Professors
Dr. McVay our physics of medical imaging teacher was a great teacher and I think it is because she really cares about her students and how they are doing even outside of school. I really appreciated that about her. Joey is our echo teacher, and she is also great because she challenges us in every way.
My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech
I think for me the hardest part was going from a straight-A student to this very rigorous program and balancing life, kids, etc. was hard for me. So, I had to realize that as long as I am learning, being a B student isn’t bad. It was a very humbling experience, but at the same time kind of relieving because I allowed myself to make mistakes as long as I learned from them.
My Plans After Graduation
I would like to work as an echo tech at my extern site for a few years. The hospital setting will be good for me, the hustle and bustle, the excitement of not knowing what to expect, and the skills that I will learn there will be so valuable. Then eventually I would like to work in a heart clinic and focus on the needs of my patients and work closely with the cardiologist.