Owen Lien
Alumni, Class of 2024
McKinleyville, California

Extracurricular Activities

Track and Field

A Little Bit About Me

I was raised in McKinleyville, California, a little town on the north coast, where I graduated high school in 2019. From there I attended College of the Redwoods for two years before transferring to Oregon Tech in the fall of 2021. I have competed in track for the last 12 years, since elementary school, and it is all I have ever known. I compete in the sprint events, specializing in the 400m and 400m hurdles, and I am now training for the decathlon for my final season. While I wanted to be an architect for much of my time in high school, I eventually changed my mind and went for electrical engineering my senior year due to the greater degree of job security.

Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major

I chose electrical engineering because of the rapidly expanding electrical industry and the job security it provides, as well as the good pay. I chose Oregon Tech because of the excellent engineering program and its relative affordability.

My Influential Professors

My favorite professors have been Eve Klopf and Matt Cornacione. Unfortunately, neither of them teaches here anymore.

My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech

I have learned the most in the three-part circuit analysis series of classes.

My Plans After Graduation

After graduating, I plan on working in the power generation, transmission, and distribution industry, with an emphasis on testing and analysis. Hopefully my job allows a good balance of office and outdoor field work.