Gabby Halgren
Student, Class of 2026

Extracurricular Activities

Hiking, kayaking, drinking coffee, spending time with friends and family

A Little Bit About Me

I love spending time outdoors exploring new places and making memories with my friends.

Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major

I knew Oregon Tech was the best place to study medical imaging and after learning about the nuc med program I couldn’t imagine doing anything else!

My Influential Professors

Professor McClure was extremely encouraging and supportive last year in A&P. She has been a strong positive influence on my first year of college and I know many other people would say the same.

My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech

Learning how to balance school and my personal life was huge for me. I learned the importance of having time away from studying, as well as time to study without distractions.

My Plans After Graduation

I plan to work as a nuclear medicine tech, probably in a hospital but I’m not completely decided as of yet!