Andrew Ramirez
Student, Class of 2024

Extracurricular Activities

Oregon Tech Gaming Program, Student Director; 3D Printing Makerspace, Printer Maintenance

A Little Bit About Me

I'm a passionate cook, it's my love language, and one of my favorite things is getting friends together to have them try something new in the form of one of my dishes. Another hobby of mine is playing electric guitar, I grew up with musical influences like Ozzy Osbourne, Alice in Chains, and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major

Two reasons, one being it's software program seemed more focused on teaching industry-standard to prepare the students for early internships or postgraduation jobs. Second being it's location, I grew up in a desert so I wanted a change of environment

My Influential Professors

Definitely Todd Breedlove, he's extremely passionate for his students and down to earth.

My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech

Data structures with Todd Breedlove as my professor was my greatest learning experience. I haven't noticed any other class of his have the connection mine did. We would occasionally meet in lower Purvine, in a secluded classroom with whiteboards on the walls and tables. Many times, after or between classes, we would just work on our projects there in case we or others needed help. It was a great sense of community that I greatly miss. Even at times, I remember studying there alone for hours on end alongside my classmates drawings and illustrations depicting Data Structures. I never learned as much as I did going through that class with those sets of classmates.