Extracurricular Activities
SC women's basketball, nuclear medicine job shadow, women's health care intern, blood drive host, Bible study group member, on-campus barista, plant vendor.
A Little Bit About Me
My name is Amber Wallace, and I was born and raised in Redding, California. I spent my first 2 years of college at Shasta College, where I got my Associate's in Allied Health. During this time, I was captain of the women's basketball team in addition to diving into my education. I am pursuing Medical Imaging at Oregon Tech and am greatly looking forward to everything that I will learn about the career I am passionate about.
Why I Chose Oregon Tech and My Major
Medical Imaging will lead me into a profession that is essential and personally fulfilling. It is centered around being informed and educated, but most importantly serving the community. It is a challenging and interesting degree, something that appeals to me on a personal level as well. I chose Oregon Tech to achieve these things because I wanted a quality and lasting education that I could trust.
My Influential Professors
Throughout my last two years of college, I was able to interact with and be influenced by so many wonderful teachers. The teachers who have made a great impact on me were the ones who have shown happiness, passion, and wisdom in all that they do. My physiology professor instilled the value of relentless hard work and always said that success was never too far out of reach, which was a needed sentiment in such a rigorous course. A geography teacher I came to know, influenced me by his unwavering sense of self and motto of always striving to leave the world a better, more informed, more appreciated place.
My Greatest Learning Experience At Oregon Tech
My greatest learning experience at Oregon Tech so far has been through the Pre-Medical Imaging course. I was able to learn so much about my future career path and had the opportunity to job shadow, which was an irreplaceable addition of knowledge. This helped me see what the real-life duties of my work will be, and also allowed me to gain advice and encouragement from the technologists who have been through what I am about to face.
My Plans After Graduation
After graduating with my degree, I plan to get established with a good job, working as an ultrasound technician, somewhere that I love. I would like to even further my education and explore more modalities in the future as well.