Written by BUS 399 (Copywriting) and BUS 314 (Entrepreneurship) students
On November 15, business students at the Oregon Tech Klamath Falls campus will join Chief Executive Officer Jutta Vetter of Vetter Communications via Zoom from Finland. This Zoom meeting will start at 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time and 18.00 Finnish Time and is open to anyone interested in learning more about international business and entrepreneurship.

Vetter has experience with many different businesses, countries, and cultures. She can communicate in and understand many languages; she states, "it is not only the grammar and the words, but you need to know how people behave and react in different cultures, how they perceive the world." Vetter will give students an understanding of how this works in her business.
Vetter has created a brand catered to helping businesses succeed, and she does this by understanding people's cultures and their perceptions of the world. Dr. Sonja Bickford, Visiting Professor in the Management Department at Oregon Tech, states, "having students work with and interact with professionals during courses provides a taste of the working world." Oregon Tech students will have the opportunity to work and interact with a true professional in Jutta Vetter to gain a global understanding of marketing and communication.
Learn more about Vetter Communications by visiting https://vetter.fi/ and find the zoom link on Oregon Tech's Business Management Department's Facebook page.