Four Oregon Tech Latter-day Saint Student Association (LDSSA) students traveled to Salt Lake City in April to attend General Conference, a gathering of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).
General conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints occur every six months. The five-session April 2023 conference, held on April 1 and 2, was broadcast live from Temple Square in Salt Lake City in 70 languages. Oregon Tech’s LDSSA club members attended the opening session on April 1 in the Conference Center.

Management Professor Sandra Bailey serves as the advisor for the LDSSA and traveled with the students. She said the primary purpose of Temple Square is for Latter-day Saints and leaders from all over the globe to attend the semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“During this conference, attendees listen to the counsel of church leaders under the guidance of the prophet and president of the church,” Bailey said. “The trip was an exceptional experience for our club, and we are grateful for the funding provided by Student Involvement and Belonging that made it possible.”
Kasey Goslow, a sophomore in Radiologic Science, called attending General Conference a “marvelous experience.” “It has such a big impact on everyone as they travel from different parts of the world to watch,” Goslow said. “I was able to grow my testimony and receive direction and hope while watching General Conference. It helped me see different perspectives of how to find meaning within the hardships in life as well as find the strength to get through them.”
In addition to attending General Conference, club members toured historic Temple Square and connected with former members of the LDSSA club now living in Utah.
Student attendee Kaia A. said attending General Conference was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: “It allowed me to bond with the club members and create an exciting environment in which I could experience new opportunities. With the support of the club, I was able to have new experiences and grow closer to my faith and to the Lord.”
Student Involvement and Belonging Director Thomas Arce said club-related events are part of SIB’s mission to support student leadership development and to provide opportunities for all Oregon Tech students. “Student organizations at Oregon Tech have the opportunity to engage in leadership building opportunities, to grow as an individual and sharpen skills to ensure they are career ready,” Arce said.
SIB supports student leadership development by offering and providing funding to attend events and activities that foster growth and change.