KLAMATH FALLS, OR – Oregon Tech is pleased to announce that Klamath Falls, Oregon resident Sandra Fox has accepted the position of Board Secretary for the university’s recently appointed governing board.
Oregon Tech president Chris Maples said, “We are delighted to welcome Sandra to Oregon Tech. This takes us one step closer to having our governing board up and running. We look forward to transitioning into the board’s governing role starting July 2015 with the help of Sandra’s new position.”
Previous positions that Ms. Fox has held prior to joining Oregon Tech include Community Development Director for the City of Klamath Falls for nine years; and other positions within the City of Klamath Falls over the past 14 years including planning director, city planner, and senior planner. Fox has also volunteered as an adjunct professor at Oregon Tech within the Civil Engineering program and is a board member of the Crater Lake Natural History Association, Basin Transit Service, and various planning associations.
Ms. Fox is enthusiastic to begin supporting Oregon Tech Trustees and had this to say, “Becoming more involved in academia is something I have desired to be a part of for quite some time. The community of Klamath Falls and Oregon as a whole are very important to my family and future goals. I am proud to have been a part of the positive changes made during my tenure at the city and am happy that working for Oregon Tech will allow me to contribute to a stronger university, community, and state.”
The portfolio of Ms. Fox’s responsibilities for the Oregon Tech Board of Trustees involves facilitation and coordination of the activities of the Board of Trustees, President’s Office, and Executive Administration. The position supports the work of the Board, its officers and committees, maintaining primary responsibility for all Board meeting planning, preparation, staffing, and orientation. The position creates and retains permanent records of all Board activities and serves as custodian of institutional policies and standards adopted by the Board and President.
Sandra Fox’s academic degrees include a Bachelor of Science Degree and Master of Business Administration Degree from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA.
Ms. Fox joined the university on December 22nd and will convene with the new board beginning with the first Trustee board orientation and public meeting to be held January 19-21 at Oregon Tech’s Wilsonville campus.
About Oregon Tech
Founded in Klamath Falls in 1947, Oregon Institute of Technology is the only public institute of technology in the Pacific Northwest. Oregon Tech provides degree programs in engineering and health technologies, management, communication, and applied sciences that prepare students to be effective participants in their professional, public, and international communities through hands-on, applied learning. Oregon Tech has a full-service, residential campus in Klamath Falls and an urban, industry-focused campus in Wilsonville. Visit www.oit.edu to learn more about Oregon Institute of Technology.