OIT Communication Professor Marilyn Dyrud is the 2010 recipient of the American Society for Engineering Education James H. McGraw Award.

The James H. McGraw Award, sponsored by the ASEE Engineering Technology Council, is presented for outstanding contributions to engineering technology education. Established in 1950, the award is funded by the Glencoe Division of MacMillan/McGraw-Hill and consists of a $1,000 honorarium and a framed certificate. James H. McGraw was recognized as the dean of industrial publishers. He spent some 40 years in the publishing business, beginning as a teacher turned subscription salesman and going on to lay the foundation of one of the largest industrial publishing organizations in the world.

 Professor Dyrud was also twice named an ASEE Outstanding Zone Campus Representative, in 2001 and 2007. Read Professor Dyrud’s bio (on page 9) here.