The Klamath Falls Dental Hygiene Class of 2021 completed their studies this March, presenting their senior capstone projects and participating in a pinning ceremony honoring the 19 students who have completed their three-year Bachelor of Science program.

During their capstone project presentations, students showcase a culmination of knowledge on comprehensive patient care. Students are expected to demonstrate essential study learning objectives, to the level expected at the completion of the bachelor’s degree program. Jeannie Bopp is an instructor in the program and shared, “The capstone gives students the opportunity to combine technical skills and critical thinking to address unscripted and authentic problems experienced during patient care. Through application of didactic course work and clinical experiences, students are expected to meet criteria and highlight their own critical thinking competency with minimal to no modeling or demonstration from faculty.”
The capstone includes research, interprofessional collaboration, evidence-based practice, diverse perspectives and self-reflection for their project outcomes and their personal vision for growth within their future profession.

The 19 seniors are now qualified to apply for the top dental hygiene licensure in Oregon with an Expanded Practice Permit. Completing their studies in spring allowed the students to apply for clinical boards to give licensure for the graduates with Expanded Practice Dental Hygiene, Restorative, Nitrous Oxide and Local Anesthesia endorsements.
“Faculty enjoyed giving a recap of fun experiences with students over the three-year program,” Instructor Bopp shared of the pinning ceremony. “The reminder of their feelings of excitement, fear, uncertainty, and leaving the safety of their homes when beginning the program, was compared to the same feelings they experience now as they go out into the workforce.”
The pinning ceremony also included student awards, followed by the Dental Hygiene Oath. Award winners are:
- Outstanding Scholar: Kylee Reinwald
- Colgate Star Award: Gina Moua
- Hu-Friedy Golden Scaler: Kylee Reinwald
- Restorative Award: Hasan Alramadan
- Community Health Award: Yulia Haley
- Western Society of Periodontology: Hannah Fowler
Oregon Tech is the only public university in Oregon that offers a bachelor’s degree in Dental Hygiene, and limits the annual number of students at its Klamath Falls location to 22 in order to keep quality high and student/faculty ratios low. Generally, 100 students vie for those 22 slots.
Pictured in Dental Hygiene Senior Capstone Presentations:
Back row L to R: Hannah Fowler, Kelsey League, Rachel Villegas, Brooke Robinson, Taylor Bennet, Valerie Miller, Emily Vahsholtz, Sierra Schipper, Adrianne Accuardi, Alison Freeman
Middle row L to R: Kate Martinez, Skyler Hunt, Bayley Jensen, Yulia Haley
Kneeling L to R: Laurel Dawson, Kylee Reinwald, Marina Ramos, Hasan Alramadan, Gina Moua
Pictured in Dental Hygiene Class of 2021 Pinning Ceremony:
Back row L to R: Brenna Chavarin (clinical instructor), Sierra Schipper, Brooke Robinson, Rachel Villegas, Adrianne Accuardi, Alison Freeman, Valerie Miller, Kelsey League, Darlene Swigart (faculty), Kim Pratt (clinical instructor), Jeannie Bopp (Faculty)
Middle Row L to R: Yulia Haley, Laurel Dawson, Bayley Jensen, Marina Ramos, Taylor Bennet, Hannah Fowler, Kylee Reinwald
Kneeling L to R: Krista Beaty (faculty), Skyler Hunt, Emily Vahsholtz, Gina Moua, Hasan Alramadan, Kate Martinez, Heather Schudel (faculty), Stacie Neely (instructor).