Oregon Tech business professor, Sharon Beaudry, spent the month of September working on a project at the Southern African Wildlife College in South Africa as an awardee of a Fulbright grant. Oregon Tech president, Dr. Nagi Naganathan, mentioned Beaudry’s Fulbright award for the project in South Africa is an example of international recognition of excellence at Oregon Tech. “I congratulate professor Beaudry on being awarded a Fulbright grant. This is a special honor for her and Oregon Tech. Professor Beaudry’s project in South Africa is a fine example of the benefit of shared knowledge. The partnership she has established with the Southern African Wildlife College and other Fulbright awardees will enrich her teaching for all of her students and, in turn, benefit their learning immensely.” Read about Sharon's immersive experience at:https://tinyurl.com/8vkzdwp7 #OregonTech #FulbrightForeignScholarship
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