Workers' Compensation covers all employees (this also includes our student employees) of Oregon Tech. In the event you are involved in a work related accident, or have a work related illness or injury, we want to ensure our employees receive both timely care and appropriate attention for your claim.
How to File a Claim
Immediately report all illnesses and injuries that arise out of your employment and occur during the course and scope of your employment to your manager, supervisor, or the Office of Human Resources.
- Complete the top portion of the Employee Incident Report for and submit it to your supervisor so they can complete the bottom (Supervisor) portion.
- If you need to seek medical care, fill out the worker section of the SAIF 801 form and submit it to the Office of Human Resources within 24 hours.
- Seek treatment with the medical provider of your choice. Your medical provider will have you complete a form 827. Please note that Integrated Student Health Services (ISHS) is not able to treat employee work related illness and injuries.
- Submit a Return to Work Form (or similar document) from your medical provider to the Office of Human Resources following treatment to verify release to return to work and any restrictions that may be placed on work.
Workers' Compensation Insurance Carrier
Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech) employees are covered by workers' compensation insurance when they suffer a compensable injury or illness in the course and scope of employment. State Accident Insurance Fund Corporation (SAIF) is the university's carrier. SAIF will determine the compensability of all claims.
- If you have questions about your workers' compensation claim, contact SAIF at 1-800-285-8525.
- A SAIF representative will contact you when your claim is filed to obtain a statement.
- A SAIF Claims Adjuster will evaluate your claim and determine whether it is a compensable claim or not.
- Be sure to notify your doctor that you have filed a claim for workers' compensation, so that if your claim is accepted, SAIF can then pay the medical provider for the treatment you receive.
Scheduling Appointments
Follow up appointments (if any) must be scheduled to provide minimal disruption to operations. If possible schedule appointments outside of normal work hours. If you must miss time from work, notify your supervisor and submit for the use of any accrued sick leave.
- You must keep medical appointments and follow your medical provider's instructions.
- Maintain contact with you supervisor and the Office of Human Resources so that they may assist you with returning to work as soon as you are able to.
- Keep SAIF informed about your condition so benefits may be paid in a timely manner.
- Read all notices carefully and respond to requests for information in a timely manner. Failure to respond to requests for information by the due date may affect your claim.
- Contact SAIF if you have any questions or concerns about your claim or benefits.
- Provide your SAIF claim number to your medical provider so they may bill SAIF directly for your medical care.
Modified Work
Your doctor may indicate that you have temporary work restrictions because of your injury. The Office of Human Resources will review temporary work restrictions with your supervisor or manager and will place you on modified duty as soon as operationally possible for reasonable accommodation.
Missed Work
If you miss time from work, you may be eligible for partial wage loss through SAIF. (Time loss for follow up appointments and physical therapy are not workers' compensation compensable and you may need to use accrued sick, vacation or other accruals to cover your lost wages, depending on your classification and if applicable, your collective bargaining agreement).
Family Medical Leave
If you are missing time from work, you will be notified about your eligibility for FMLA and/or OFLA leave. Time loss and FMLA/OFLA leave run concurrently.
Obtaining More Information
Employees, including student employees, needing additional information may contact Sarah Henderson-Wong, Benefits Consultant using the contact information provided on this page.
Employees who have filed for workers' compensation are encouraged to read "A Guide for Workers Recently Hurt on the Job"