This year, the Honors Program celebrated the First Annual Honors Program President's Holiday Book Party. 🎄📚 Twenty-five Honors Program students joined President Naganathan at Canvasback Books in Klamath Falls, where the President’s Office gave students the gift of books for themselves or their family and friends. The "Book Party" allowed the students to take a break before final exams and enjoy a great local business. The relationship between the Klamath Falls community and Oregon Tech is an important one, and Honors Program Executive Director Christopher Syrnyk regularly brings together a Klamath Falls business or event and the students of the Honors Program. Dr. Syrnyk shared, “It was truly a treat to see the students browsing and choosing. Their choices were of such a surprising variety, too. When I spoke to some of them the next day, they were still so grateful and excited for the gift of their books. One student told me she was going to read her books on the plane trip home for break. And another told me they were looking forward to reading their books over the break.” Also joining the event were Dean of Students Dr. Mandi Clark, Vice President of University Advancement Dr. Ken Fincher, President’s Office staff members Adria Paschal and Diana Angeli, and Dr. Kamal Gandhi, Assistant Director of the Honors Program. Dr. Syrnyk said that special thanks go to President Naganathan and the President's Office for supporting the idea and for being the driving force behind its great success, and to Brittany Montjoy, owner of Canvasback Books, for the warm welcome and opening up her store to our students.
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