PhD 2013. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, Major: Wildlife Conservation & Management, Minor: Renewable Natural Resources
MS 2007. Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, Major: Wildlife
BA 1998. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, Multiple Major Program: Anthropology & Psychology
My personal interest in ecology and wildlife began as a child growing up in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern Pennsylvania exploring the mountains, forests, and streams with my dad. My professional interest began with my first job doing reforestation and botanical research in the tropical rainforests of northwest Ecuador. I have been working in the area of avian conservation and habitat management for nearly 25 years in Oregon, California, Hawaii, Arizona, the Caribbean, and other parts of the world. My research focus is on applied avian habitat and movement ecology in the Oregon Cascades. I also study how climate change effects such as declining snowpack are affecting vegetation phenology and wildlife habitat using ground-based remote sensing. I have taught more than a dozen different courses at Oregon Tech over the past decade including Ornithology, Wildlife Ecology, Principles of Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Health, Scientific Reasoning, Natural Resource Management, Fire Ecology, and Sustainable Human Ecology. I spend my free time with my family exploring the beautiful Southern Oregon, the Pacific Northwest, and far-flung destinations around the world hiking, swimming, paddling, biking, and naturalizing.