Jacie Wyatt
Annual Giving Manager

How long I have been working here and what path brought me to Oregon Tech
I first moved to Klamath Falls in the spring of 2023 with my partner as he pursued his Doctorate of Physical Therapy at Oregon Tech. Coming from Colorado where I worked in marketing at an Education Technology company, I was seeking to ensure high-quality education is accessible for all. I was immediately drawn to the emphasis on student success and community at Oregon Tech. 

What I am most passionate about professionally
I enjoy connecting with others, being creative, and most importantly, working in some way to make the world a better place.

Why I enjoy working in Advancement & Alumni Relations
The team is passionate and personable. Everyone holds students, faculty and staff, and alumni in the highest regard, and drives continuous support for the Oregon Tech community.

Favorite quote
“In the end, it’s not what happens to us that matters most – it’s what we choose to do with it.” -Edith Eger, The Gift