ASOIT logo with Oregon Tech block logo about the letters ASOIT with text that says Associated Students of Oregon Institute of Technology with a gold perimeter design.

The purpose of the ASOIT is to supplement the social, cultural, physical, and educational interests in its members, and to represent the individual and collective interests of the students of Oregon Tech. The membership consists of all currently enrolled students at Oregon Institute of Technology.


For more information about how to get involved with student government, or to share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions or concerns, contact us via email at!

Incidental Fee Commission

First slide of Incidental Fee Commission presentation on March 5, 2025

Incidental Fees Policy: OIT-40-090 

"A portion of the money required to operate Oregon Institute of Technology is paid directly by students at registration each term. These charges, called fees, are: tuition, building fees, and incidental fees. Tuition, together with state tax funds, supports instruction and related activities. Building fees are used to finance construction or remodeling of buildings such as the college union, health service, and recreational areas. Incidental fees are used to finance certain auxiliary programs, which fall under three major categories: Athletics, College Union, and Campus Life. 

This document outlines policies and procedures related to the funding of programs at all OIT campuses supported by incidental fees superseding all previous guideline and policy statements."

Continue reading here.



Uriel Aguilar Torres_24-25 ASOIT KF President
Klamath Falls


Uriel Aguilar Torres

Major: Information Technology

Carter Grossgold ASOIT KF Vice President 24-25
Klamath Falls


Carter Grossgold

Major: Civil Engineering

Isaiah Payne ASOIT KF Finance Officer 24-25
Klamath Falls

Finance Officer

Isaiah Payne 

Major: Civil Engineering

Peter Schram ASOIT KF Administrative Officer 24-25
Klamath Falls

Administrative Officer

Peter Schram

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Heather Ritter ASOIT KF Academic Affairs Officer 24-25
Klamath Falls

Academic Affairs Officer

Heather Ritter

Major: Biology-Health Sciences

Aurora Parsons ASOIT KF Student Engagement Officer 24-25
Klamath Falls

Student Engagement Officer

Aurora Parsons

Major: Communication Studies

Contact Us

ASOIT Klamath Falls

KF Communications Officer
  • 541-885-1829 (SIB office line)
  • College Union 107
  • KF ASOIT Social Media Pages

ASOIT Portland-Metro

PM Officers



General Meetings

Klamath Falls

KF General Meetings

ASOIT KF holds General Meetings throughout each term. These are public meetings and are open to all students. We encourage everyone to join us and share your thoughts on your student experience.

Open Forums/ Providing Feedback

ASOIT welcomes your input! 

All students are encouraged to provide feedback, input, and information about their experiences to ASOIT directly (office hours, via email, or by requesting time at the Executive Meeting agenda) and in public forum opportunities. 



Shared Governance

What is Shared Governance?


The purpose of the ASOIT is to supplement the social, cultural, physical, and educational interests in its members, and to represent the individual and collective interests of the students of Oregon Tech. The membership consists of all currently enrolled students at Oregon Institute of Technology.
Officer roles are identified in the ASOIT Bylaws and can be updated through the official voting procedure outlined in the document. 


KF ASOIT Constitution


5.1.1. Serve as the chief spokesperson and representative of ASOIT KF, facilitating exterior communications and building partnerships, delegating as desired.

5.1.2. Provide a report to the Board of Trustees, coordinating with Board of Trustees Secretary, once per term.

5.1.3. In collaboration with the Vice President, meet with each member of the Cabinet to monitor projects, offer support, and delegate as needed.

5.1.4. Chair all Executive and General Meetings.

5.1.5. Meet regularly, no less than twice per month, with ASOIT Advisor(s).

5.1.6. Empower each member of the Cabinet to meet regularly and build relationships with their administrative counterparts:

  • Vice President to meet with the Director of Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Engagement (DICE).
  • Finance Officer to meet with the Vice President of Finance and Administration.
  • Administrative Affairs Officer, under direction from the President, to meet with the Vice President of Institutional Advancement.
  • Academic Affairs Officer to meet with the Vice President of Academic Affairs and identified academic leaders and to meet, under direction from the Vice President, meet with the Director of Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Engagement (DICE).
  • Student Engagement Officer to meet with the Vice President of Student Affairs.
  • 5.1.7. Serve in the Election Committee as defined by Article III Section 1.1.2 5.1.8. In partnership with the ASOIT KF Vice President, collaborate regularly with ASOIT Portland-Metro (ASOIT PM) through ASOIT Council.
  • 5.1.9. Participate in University Lobby Day, representing Oregon Tech and advocating to State Senators and decision-makers.
    • ASOIT KF President and Vice President to share or split this duty as they see fit.
    • 5.1.10. In partnership with the ASOIT KF Vice President, meet with the University President once per month.
    • 5.1.11. Meet with the Vice President of Institutional Advancement least once per term.
    • In collaboration with the Administrative Affairs Officer, identify and develop relationships with community members, industry partners, and other interested stakeholders.
    • 5.1.12. Represent ASOIT on the following commissions/committees:
      • Chair the Tuition Recommendation Committee (TRC).
      • Chair the Incidental Fees Commission (IFC).
      • 5.1.13. Serve as student representative on a minimum of two (2) committees/commissions beyond the aforementioned responsibilities.
      • 5.1.14. Serve a minimum of twelve (12) hours per week, with at least eight (8) hours per week served in the SIB office.

5.2.1. In collaboration with the President, meet with each member of the Cabinet to monitor projects, offer support, and delegate as needed.

5.2.2. In case of the President’s absence, or at the request of the President, the Vice President shall chair the Executive and General ASOIT KF meetings and serve as a delegate on any committee/commission the President serves.

5.2.3. Chair the ASOIT KF Elections Committee in accordance with the ASOIT KF Election Bylaws.

5.2.4. In partnership with the ASOIT KF President, meet with the University President once per month.

5.2.5. In partnership with the ASOIT KF President, collaborate regularly with ASOIT Portland-Metro (ASOIT PM) through ASOIT Council.

5.2.6. In collaboration with the Administrative Affairs Officer, create and maintain ASOIT KF governing documentation.

5.2.7. Meet with the Director of Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Engagement (DICE) at least once per term.

  • Identify barriers and ensure the success of historically underrepresented, underserved, and under resourced communities.
  • Work to ensure compliance with Polytechnic Cultural Competency requirements and other relevant legislation.
  • 5.2.8. Represent ASOIT on the following commissions/committees:
    • President’s Council.
    • Financial Allocations Committee (FAC).
    • 5.2.9. Serve as student representative on a minimum of two (2) committees/commissions beyond the aforementioned responsibilities.
    • 5.2.10. Serve a minimum of twelve (12) hours per week, with at least eight (8) hours per week served in the SIB office.

5.3.1. Develop a framework to convey information between the student body and the Office of the Vice President of Finance and Administration.

5.3.2. Collaborate often with the Vice President and serve as their Chief of Staff:

  • In the event of the Vice President’s absence on an internal or external committee/commission, the Chief of Staff shall assume roles and responsibilities as delegated by the ASOIT KF President.
  • On any given year, if the Vice President serves as Chair or ASOITR KF representative on any external committee/commission, the Chief of Staff shall serve as a student representative on that committee/commission.
  • 5.3.3. Serve as point-of-contact for ASOIT Special Consideration requests and work with ASOIT KF Cabinet in planning and utilizing the ASOIT Budget.
  • 5.3.4. In collaboration with the Student Involvement and Belonging Director, submit the ASOIT KF and Financial Allocation Committee (FAC) budget to the Incidental Fee Commission (IFC).
  • 5.3.5. Meet with the Vice President of Finance and Administration a minimum of once per term. 5.3.6. Represent ASOIT on the following commissions/committees:
    • Chair the Financial Allocation Committee (FAC).
    • Fiscal Operations Advisory Council (FOAC).
    • 5.3.7. Serve as student representative on a minimum of two (2) committees/commissions beyond the aforementioned responsibilities.
    • 5.3.8. Serve a minimum of ten (10) hours per week, with at least six (6) hours per week served in the SIB office.
    • 5.3.9. Assist in tasks as delegated by the President or Vice President.

5.5.1. Facilitate the connection of students with their Deans and Department Chairs, and serve as a conveyance for student concerns.

  • For identified academic student concerns: determine stakeholders, take appropriate action, track the status of issues, and communicate the process to the stakeholders involved.
  • Utilize Oregon Tech governance structure to effectively advocate for student concerns and feedback.

5.5.2. Identify opportunities to connect students with academic support services, including but not limited to:

  • Center for Academic Engagement and Resource Services (CARES).
  • Facilitating communication and connection to relevant advising services.
  • Under direction from the Vice President, work with the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Engagement (DICE) to identify and remove barriers to ensure the academic success of historically underrepresented, underserved, and under resourced communities.
  • Advocating on behalf of students for necessary change or adjustment of current procedure including but not limited to accessibility to key areas on campus dedicated to academic success and current academic procedure.

5.5.3. Report as ASOIT Delegate to the Faculty Senate.

5.5.4. Meet with the Vice President of Academic Affairs a minimum of once per term, while identifying and meeting with other academic leaders (Deans, Chairs, etc.) as needed by students and up to the discretion of ASOIT Advisors.

5.5.5. Represent ASOIT on the following commissions/committees:

  • The Financial Allocation Committee (FAC).
  • Commission on College Teaching (CCT).
  • Curriculum Planning Commission (CPC).

5.5.6. Serve as student representative on a minimum of one (1) committees/commissions beyond the aforementioned responsibilities.

5.5.7. Serve a minimum of ten (10) hours per week, with at least six (6) hours per week served in the SIB office.

5.5.8. Assist in tasks as delegated by the President or Vice President.

5.6.1. Responsible for communicating engagement opportunities to students frequently, including but not limited to:

  • Managing ASOIT social media accounts
  • Developing a framework for communicating events regularly with the student body at large.

5.6.2. Organize ASOIT General Meetings at a minimum of twice per term, including advertising/marketing, and reminding clubs and programs leaders of upcoming meetings.

5.6.3. Develop opportunities for students to share feedback via surveys, town hall meetings, focus groups, etc.

  • For identified student concerns: determine stakeholders, take appropriate action, track the status of issues, and communicate the process to the stakeholders involved.
  • Utilize Oregon Tech governance structure to effectively advocate for student concerns and feedback.

5.6.4. Coordinate partnerships and collaborative initiatives with the following campus departments (including, but not limited to):

  • Student Involvement and Belonging (SIB) to bring community service opportunities to campus,
  • Athletics Department to increase student involvement in Hootie’s Hooligans at athletics events,
  • Under direction from the Vice President, work with the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Engagement (DICE) to identify barriers and ensure the success of historically underrepresented, underserved, and under resourced communities,
  • Campus Activity Cabinet (CAB) for event planning and implementation

5.6.5. Meet with the Vice President of Student Affairs a minimum of once per term.

5.6.6. Represent ASOIT on the following commissions/committees:

  • The Financial Allocation Committee (FAC)
  • Program Round Tables

5.6.7. Serve as student representative on a minimum of two (2) committees/commissions beyond the aforementioned responsibilities..

5.6.8. Serve a minimum of ten (10) hours per week, with at least six (6) hours per week served in the SIB office.

5.6.9. Assist in tasks as delegated by the President or Vice President.

5.4.1. Responsible for public relations within the campus and the community, updating and maintaining information on the ASOIT KF website, producing advertisements in collaboration with relevant ASOIT KF Officers, and producing press releases as needed.

5.4.2. Responsible for oversight of the ASOIT email, and facilitating the appropriate responses as needed to address the emails.

5.4.3. Responsible for preparing, recording, maintaining, and posting minutes and agendas of all ASOIT KF meetings on the ASOIT Website.

  • General Meeting Agendas must be posted or otherwise distributed to all required participants of the General Meeting no later than one (1) week before the date of the General Meeting.
  • Executive Meeting Agendas must be posted or otherwise distributed to all required participants of the Executive Meeting no later than three (3) days before the date of the Executive Meeting.
  • Minutes of Executive and General Meetings must be available for viewing no later than one (1) week after the Executive or General Meetings.
  • 5.4.4. In collaboration with the Vice President, create and maintain ASOIT KF governing documentation.
    • This includes working with the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Engagement (DICE) to adhere to Senate Bill 1586 regarding workplace harassment and other relevant University compliance requirements.
    • 5.4.5. In collaboration with the Student Engagement Officer, monitor and maintain RSO records and attendance at required meetings.
    • 5.4.6. Under direction from the President, work with the Vice President of Institutional Advancement to identify and develop relationships with community members, industry partners, and other interested stakeholders.
    • 5.4.7. Serve as student representative on a minimum of two (2) committees/commissions.
    • 5.4.8. Serve a minimum of ten (10) hours per week, with at least six (6) hours per week served in the SIB office.
    • 5.4.9. Assist in tasks as delegated by the President or Vice President.