On the fourth floor, we have our Fluid and Thermal Science Lab. This facility is built to show real life examples of various thermodynamic systems and to teach the properties of Heat, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. The unique lab provides our students with teaching aids and equipment that demonstrates the principles of fluid and thermal dynamics. The lab is also home to heating ventilation and air conditioning training aids, student projects, and green building diagnostic tools.

Students can experiment with thermodynamic principles, fluid circulation efficiency, and systems designed for solar applications. Students will use these tools to evaluate thermal and electric loads of buildings and investigate facility processes. Building systems including lighting, hot water, heating and ventilation, central plant systems, industrial refrigeration and motors are considered for redesign to improve efficiency. This lab also offers the opportunity for students to learn energy use management through instrument and controls. Students will experience energy auditing, renewable systems economic analysis, and maintenance strategies for reducing energy use.