Access Policy
The Shaw Historical Library is located on the campus of the Oregon Institute of Technology in the Learning Resources Center, and is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (closed for lunch from 12 - 1). Our summer hours are Monday through Thursday, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (closed for lunch from 12 - 1). All users must register before accessing the collections and show acceptable identification (any official identification with photograph).
Users are encouraged to sign in every time they use the library. Researchers have access to all materials within the library with the exception of restricted manuscript collections due to the conditions of donation or state law.
Access to the library can be denied to the users who use library materials in a careless or irresponsible way.
Users are asked to leave all large purses, bags, coats and bulky items by the entrance during their time at the library.
Resources and Restrictions
The Shaw Historical Library collects historical and scientific books, works of art, and other materials relating to the history of Klamath County, Oregon, and the Land of Lakes. The Land of Lakes is generally defined as the geographical area of south central and southeast Oregon, northeast California, and northwest Nevada. The Library's collections include books and non-book materials, such as directories, journals, maps, personal manuscripts, corporate records, and photographs.
Some manuscript collections have had restrictions placed on them by the donors of the collections. In such cases the materials in the collections can be viewed in the Library but not copied or published.
Intellectual Access and Reference Services
The books, journals and audio/video materials held in the Shaw Historical Library are entered in the Oregon Institute of Technology Library catalog. The archival collections are described in finding aids that can be accessed on the Archives West website.
Reference assistance in using the collections and locating information and materials in the Shaw Historical Library is available during the library's open hours. In addition to in-person assistance, we also provide research help by phone, email, and Zoom.
The Shaw staff provides copying and photograph reproduction services for materials within our collections. We will scan book or periodical pages or photographs for you if the process will not damage the collection or violate any copyright restrictions on the reproduction of materials.
The Shaw Historical Library does not charge a fee for permission to publish brief quotations from material in its collections. We do reserve the right to make additional charges for permission to publish as we deem appropriate. All photographic reproduction fees must be prepaid.
Please go to Duplication Services page to find out more about duplication fees.
Physical Access and Conditions of Use
In order to protect the collections of the Shaw Historical Library, library users do not have direct access to the materials. The book collection is held in locked cabinets and the non-book collections are located in closed stacks. All materials are available upon request with the exception of restricted materials.
In addition, library users must acknowledge their acceptance of the "Rules of Use" for library materials when they register to use the collections. The Rules of Use state that patrons are prohibited from eating and drinking in the library, having unnecessary items near library materials, and using pens while using the collections. In addition, the Rules of Use provide specific instructions for using the book collection, manuscript collections, and image collections. Copies of the Rules of Use are available in the library. See also the document below.
The library's collections are made available to library users on a first-come, first-serve basis. No library patron will take precedence over another in regard to the use of non-restricted materials.
Use of Information
Most books, manuscripts, images, sound recordings, and other items in the library are protected under United States Copyright Law. Fair use under the law (Title 17, United States Code) permits reproduction of single copies of selected items for personal research and private use. Further transmission, reproduction, or presentation (such as public display or publication) of protected items requires the written permission of the copyright owners. The nature of archival collections means that copyright status or other information about restrictions may be difficult or even impossible to determine. It should be noted that the Shaw Historical Library often does not own the intellectual rights to materials in its collections.
All citations to records and manuscripts held by the Shaw Historical Library, whether or not the information intends to be published, should clearly indicate the source of the materials used. A credit line for the Shaw Historical Library should always be included. Sample citations are available in the library.
Permission to publish, exhibit, or broadcast quotations and/or visual images, and to use or cite information from the Shaw Historical Library's archival collections must be obtained, in writing, from the library prior to publication. Neither permission to examine manuscripts nor the receipt of copied materials is an authorization to publish materials. Requests for permission to publish must be made on the form provided for that purpose.
Loan of Materials
Materials held by the Shaw Historical Library are not loaned to individuals or to other institutions. Exceptions will be made if the loan of materials was specified in the donation agreement, or if the conditions of the loan would aid in the preservation of the materials.