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A great education doesn’t have to break the bank

Embark on your journey with confidence, knowing that our institution offers a range of financial aid options, scholarships, and innovative programs designed to ease the financial strain of college expenses. Start your career, explore new horizons, or delve into cutting-edge research, we're here to support you every step of the way.

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Student Stories
Ezra Neese
Student, Class of 2026
“Part of why I chose Oregon Tech is because so many people in my family went, and because it was close to home. Once I was there, however, I quickly realized that the small class sizes, the great professors, and the ability of everyone to openly discuss and share new ideas or have a new perspective on old ideas.”
Kayleigh Janes
Student, Class of 2026
“I chose Oregon Tech because of the class sizes and the great professors here in the CSET department. Having a more personal relationship with professors is important to me and I was able to find that here.”
Kennedy Tull
Student, Class of 2025
“I chose Oregon Tech for basketball and the amazing dental hygiene program they have. My sister was already attending Oregon Tech, so it was such a blessing that the basketball coach reached out to me hoping to sign me.”
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ACERT Conference Don, Kacey, Callie, Izabelle, Rick, Wendy
Oregon Tech medical imaging faculty and students participate in radiologic technology conference
ACERT Conference (left to right): Don, Kacey, Callie, Izabelle, Rick, Wendy…
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Oregon Tech
Oregon Tech achieves a new ranking as a Research University by the Carnegie Foundation
Oregon Tech has achieved a new ranking: Research Colleges and Universities, a new designation from The American Council on Education and the Carnegie…
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Ready, Set, Innovate
Oregon Tech receives $25k grant from The Lemelson Foundation to expand Ready, Set, Innovate! program
The Oregon Tech Foundation is pleased to announce that The Lemelson…
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