2025 Memorial Day Twilight Fun Run



Date: Friday, May 23rd
Start: 6:00pm, Eulalona (formerly Kit Carson) Park
Finish: Moehl Stadium, Oregon Tech

The Oregon Tech Twilight Fun Run is hosted by Oregon Tech Wellbeing in collaboration with the Student Veterans Program, and as part of community Memorial Day events, honors all fallen veterans. 

Route: The route has been adjusted this year! The Fun Run will begin at Eulalona (formerly known as Kit Carson) Park,  proceeding up the trail that runs parallel to Crater Lake Parkway, to El Dorado, up Daggett, and then right on Bryant Williams Way and around campus. Participants have two route options: 1) complete one full  loop around campus (5k) or 2) come directly into Moehl Stadium (closer to 2.5k). Professional timing services will be provided by Athletic Timing who track participants with chipped custom bibs.

Finish: Food trucks will be located between the stadium and the Athletics Building, with a closing awards ceremony once the top finishers are recorded. Awards will be given for overall finishers and by age group.

Registration: Registration fee of $20 will allow participants to run/walk the event, get a t-shirt, and receive one free meal ticket to the food trucks. Registration is online at https://runsignup.com/OITtwilightFunRun. Students and children (up to 18) can participate at no cost, but they DO need to register - be sure to click on the registration for Students and Children. Participants who register the day of the event may not receive a t-shirt, and there will be no cash accepted at Check-in - so be sure to register ahead of time!

Details for Participants: This is a family-friendly environment and walkers and runners alike are welcome; the route is paved throughout. Although we love furry friends, dogs or other pets are not allowed (aside from registered service animals). We will have volunteers placed throughout the route ringing cowbells for encouragement, and Klamath Falls police will also assist in traffic control. Hootie (Oregon Tech's mascot) will be joining us, too!

Volunteer: We are seeking volunteers to assist with event set-up, check-in, t-shirt distribution, route support, and clean-up. Volunteers will receive an event shirt and ticket to the food trucks! If you'd like to volunteer, go to the registration page (https://runsignup.com/OITtwilightFunRun) and click "Volunteer" at the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions please contact Gaylyn Maurer at Gaylyn.Maurer@oit.edu  


Register for the Fun Run!

Flyer for Fun Run Hootie in front of Moon